§ 17.112.170 APPEALS.
   (A)   Within ten days following the date of a decision by the Planning Commission upon an application for approval of a precise development plan, or for approval of any modification or amendment of any authorized plan, or any condition imposed therein, an appeal may be taken to the Town Council by the applicant or the owner.
   (B)   (1)   An appeal shall be made upon the form prescribed and shall be filed with the Town Clerk. The appeal shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by the Planning Commission, or wherein the decision is not supported by the evidence in the record.
      (2)   Upon receipt of the appeal, the Town Council shall set the time for consideration thereof. The Town Clerk shall notify the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the receipt of the appeal and of the time and place set for consideration thereby by the Council; and the town clerk shall, not less than five days prior to the date set for the hearing upon the appeal, give written notice to the applicant and to the adverse party or parties, or to the attorney, spokesperson or representative of the party or parties, of the time and place of the hearing on the appeal.
      (3)   The Town Council may approve, modify or reverse a Planning Commission decision. The decision of the Council shall be final.
(Prior Code, § 17.58.170) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973)