Before recommending approval, the Planning Commission shall find that the proposed development conforms to the following criteria and to such other criteria as may be applicable to planned developments within the area in which the proposed development is located:
(A) The location and design of the proposed development shall be consistent with the goals and policies of the Fairfax General Plan and with any other applicable plans or policies adopted by the Town Council.
(B) The proposed location shall allow the development to be well integrated with its surroundings.
(C) All vehicular traffic generated by the development must be accommodated safely and without causing undue congestion upon adjoining streets.
(D) The proposed location and design shall allow residents and business establishments to be adequately serviced by existing or proposed public facilities and services. In appropriate circumstances, the Planning Commission may require that suitable areas for schools, parks and playgrounds, pedestrianways or public open spaces be dedicated for public use, or reserved by deed covenant for the common use of all residents, establishments or operations in the development.
(E) The overall design of the proposed planned development shall produce an attractive healthful, efficient and stable environment for living, shopping or working.
(F) The development shall be well integrated with its settings, shall not require excessive earth-moving or grading, or destruction of desirable natural features, nor be visually obstructive or disharmonious with surrounding areas and facilities, and shall not substantially harm major views from adjacent properties.
(G) The uses proposed shall have a beneficial effect not obtainable under existing zoning regulations. Any departure from existing ordinance requirements shall be warranted by the design and the amenities incorporated in the development plan in accord with adopted policy of the Planning Commission and Town Council.
(H) Demonstration shall be made that each individual unit of development, and the total development, can exist as an independent unit capable of creating an environment of sustained desirability and stability.
(Prior Code, § 17.58.090) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973)