(A)   (1)   Within one year of the approval of the preliminary development plan by the Planning Commission, or extension by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall submit ten copies of a master development plan, conforming in all major respects with the approved preliminary development plan.
      (2)   The preliminary development plan shall expire and be of no further effect or benefit if a master development plan is not submitted within the one-year period or if an extension is not approved.
   (B)   The final plan shall include all elements included in the preliminary development plan, plus the following.
      (1)   Survey of the property showing existing features including trees, structures, streets, easements, utility lines, land uses, existing zoning and existing ownerships; (The information also to be provided for the surrounding area within 100 feet of the proposed development.)
      (2)   Master plans for street improvements, water, sewerage, flood control, draining facilities and public utilities;
      (3)   Site, building and landscaping plans and elevations in a detail sufficient to fully illustrate the proposal;
      (4)   Grading plans;
      (5)   Character, general design and location of signs, street lighting and street furniture;
      (6)   Description of design principles for buildings and streetscapes;
      (7)   Tabulation of land uses;
      (8)   Tabulation of number of dwelling units by type for each increment of the total master plan and the estimated population per increment;
      (9)   Proposed standards for height, open space, building, intensity and public improvements; and
      (10)   Engineering and economic feasibility studies as necessary.
   (C)   Copies of legal documents required by the Planning Commission for dedication or reservation for group or private open space, or for the creation of a non-profit homes association shall also be submitted.
   (D)   The applicant shall submit evidence that he or she has sufficient control over the land to execute the proposed plan.
   (E)   The final plan shall be prepared by or under the direction of a licensed architect, and a registered landscape architect, or in the case of an area in excess of 20 acres, by a team including an architect, landscape architect, qualified urban planner and registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor.
   (F)   The applicant shall, at the time of filing the master development plan, pay a filing fee in accordance with a schedule of fees adopted by resolution of the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 17.58.060) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 443, passed - -1978)