The submittal shall include the following information:
   (A)   Completed application made by owner or owners of the land involved, or any agent thereof, on forms prescribed by the town accompanied by fees established by resolution of the Town Council;
   (B)   Topographical and boundary survey signed by a licensed surveyor showing:
      (1)   Contours at five-foot intervals;
      (2)   Property lines and dimensions;
      (3)   Native vegetation (freestanding trees over six inches in diameter and all stands); and
      (4)   Existing structures including fences and retaining walls.
   (C)   Site plan showing:
      (1)    Location of existing and new structures including fences, driveways and retaining walls;
      (2)   New on-site drainage facilities and necessary off-site improvements;
      (3)   Easements existing and proposed; if none exist, a notation of this must be made;
      (4)   Sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage lines labeled with their sizes; and
      (5)   Points of access.
      (6)   Relation of the site plan, existing structures, and proposed structures to ridges identified in the General Plan, scenic highways, and significant view corridors if the proposed development is within 150 feet horizontal distance or 100 feet vertical distance of an adjacent ridgeline.
   (D)   Fairfax Tree Committee report and permit if tree removal is requested;
   (E)   Report by a registered civil engineer specializing in soils and foundations, including:
      (1)   Site soil drainage;
      (2)   Relevant watershed boundaries;
      (3)   Relationship of the proposed construction to drainage patterns in the vicinity and the cumulative effects of runoff;
      (4)   Site geology and the safety of proposed construction; and
      (5)   Foundation adequacy.
   (F)   A grading and erosion control plan;
   (G)   Elevations, floor plans and roof plans;
   (H)   Exterior finishes and materials;
   (I)   Landscape plan delineating natural and planted areas and generic types of landscape materials to be used; and
   (J)   Profiles and photographic visual simulations showing relationship between proposed structures and adjacent off-site improvements and ridges and the required setbacks (150 feet horizontal distance and 100 feet vertical distance from an adjacent ridge)..
(Prior Code, § 17.38.080) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 886, passed 1-24-2024)