§ 17.072.010 PURPOSE.
   (A)    It is the purpose of the hill area residential development overlay zone to provide review of and objective standards for development proposed for undeveloped land in hill areas.
   (B)   It is the intent of this chapter to accomplish the following:
      (1)   Encourage maximum retention of natural topographic features such as drainage ways, streams, slopes, ridgelines, rock outcroppings, vistas, natural plant formation and trees;
      (2)   Minimize grading of hillside areas;
      (3)   Provide a safe means of ingress and egress for vehicular and pedestrian traffic to and within hillside areas;
      (4)   Minimize water runoff and soil erosion problems during and after construction;
      (5)   Prevent loss of life, reduce injuries and property damage and minimize economic dislocations from geologic hazards; and
      (6)    Ensure that infill development on hillside lots is of a size and scale appropriate to the property and is consistent with other properties in the vicinity under the same zone classification.
      (7)   Provide incentives for creation of permanent open space with low impact clustered residential development.
(Prior Code, § 17.38.010) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 886, passed 1-24-2024)