(A)   (1)   In considering an application for building in the restricted area, the Planning Commission will determine the significant view corridors which are affected by the project through field observations by town officials and the Planning Commission, and by examining photographs of the project site from public gathering places, scenic highways, major roadways, and neighboring properties.
      (2)   Significant view corridors will be addressed by the applicant in the application using photographs and/or illustrations which demonstrate how the proposed project is seen from:
         (a)   Public gathering places, scenic highways, and major roadways;
         (b)   Neighboring properties and neighborhood roadways; and
         (c)   Critical points within the subject property.
   (B)   (1)   Views from public gathering places, scenic highways, and major roadways will be considered significant view corridors unless the Planning Commission makes the specific finding that a given location is not significant for a project.
      (2)   Views from neighboring properties, neighborhood roadways and points within the subject property may be significant if the Planning Commission makes the finding that regulation of views from the point is necessary to protect the general public welfare, as defined in the purpose of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 17.32.040) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 476, passed - -1980; Am. Ord. 764, passed 2-1-2012; Am. Ord. 886, passed 1-24-2024)