(A)   An application for design review shall be considered by the Planning Commission, which shall determine whether the proposed design conforms to the design review criteria set forth in § 17.020.040 and to any other applicable specific design review criteria.
   (B)   The Planning Commission may approve or disapprove the design or require the changes as are, in its judgment, necessary to accomplish the general purposes of this title and ensure conformance with the objective zoning standards and objective design standards that apply to the type of development proposed and to the zone where the project will be built.
   (C)   The determination of the Planning Commission shall become effective ten days after the date of decision unless appealed to the Town Council.
   (D)   Any project requiring both design review and other permits or entitlements from the Town of Fairfax shall be considered by the Planning Commission at the same time it considers the other permits or entitlements.
(Prior Code, § 17.12.080) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 693, passed 7-16-2002; Am. Ord. 764, passed 2-1-2012; Am. Ord. 885, passed 11-1- 2023)