§ 17.020.020 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of these regulations is to effect design review of all developments, buildings, structures, signs and other facilities constructed or modified in the Town of Fairfax, except as herein provided.
   (B)    The purpose of this procedure is to foster a good design character through consideration of objective design standards for aesthetic and functional relationships to surrounding development and in order to further enhance the town’s appearance and the livability and usefulness of properties.
   (C)   These review procedures are intended to ensure that new development supports the General Plan and more specifically to:
      (1)   Promote high quality, pedestrian-friendly, and sustainable design;
      (2)   Ensure that new development and uses will be compatible with the existing and potential development of the surrounding area; and
      (3)   Supplement other town regulations and standards in order to ensure control of aspects of exterior design that are not otherwise addressed and have a bearing on land use compatibility and neighborhood fit.
(Prior Code, § 17.12.020) (Ord. 352, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 764, passed 2-1-2012; Am. Ord. 885, passed 11-1-2023)v