§ 12.24.050 PERMIT ISSUANCE.
   (A)   If it appears to the Town Administrator or his or her designee that travel over the street described in the application will not be hindered or delayed by the work therein described, beyond a reasonable time, he or she shall, upon receipt of the deposit mentioned in § 12.24.040, issue a written permit to the applicant to do the work necessary to perform in accordance with the application.
   (B)   Should the Town Administrator or his or her designee determine that the proposed excavation could cause future ongoing maintenance costs and paving surface problems which may exceed the amounts normally budgeted by the town for street maintenance and resurfacing, then approval of both the Town Administrator and Town Engineer shall be required for issuance of the permit.
   (C)   The permit may be made subject to reasonable conditions, including repaving curb to curb where warranted.
   (D)   Prior to any street opening serving more than two residents or businesses a ten-day notice of the proposed work shall be given by the permittee to all affected by the work as prescribed by the Town Administrator or his or her designee.
(Prior Code, § 12.24.050) (Ord. 656, passed - -1996)