(A)   Purpose and applicability. The purpose of the Workforce Housing Overlay (WHO) zone is to promote the development of affordable workforce housing for lower and moderate income households in specific areas of the town identified in the General Plan. The WHO contains WHO-A zone and WHO-B zone. The WHO-A zone applies to downtown sites and permits densities of up to 75 dwelling units per acre if specified percentages of affordable housing are provided: the WHO-B applies to sites along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and permits up to 40 dwelling units per acre if specified percentages of affordable housing are provided. In addition, the approval process for projects in the WHO zones is streamlined, with ministerial approval for qualifying projects with affordable housing using checklists and objective standards as required by state law.
   (B)   Relation to base zone. The WHO use regulations and development standards only apply to proposed housing and mixed use projects, and these use regulations and development and design standards zones shall apply in the case of a conflict with the commercial zoning district regulations for the base zones.
(Ord. 887, passed 2-7-2024)