(A)   The Review Authority shall identify the specific objective standard(s) that the project does not comply with and provide an explanation of the reason(s) why the housing development is considered to be inconsistent or non-compliant with identified provisions and shall provide the written determination to the applicant.
   (B)   A housing development is considered in compliance with this title, and shall not require a zoning map amendment, if the housing development complies with objective general plan standards and land use designations, but the zoning for the housing development site is inconsistent with the general plan.
   (C)   If a housing development complies with all of the applicable objective zoning, design, and subdivision standards, the town shall not conduct more than five public hearings (including continuances), workshops, study sessions, or similar meetings after the full application is deemed complete in connection with the approval of the housing development. This limitation is established by Cal. Gov't. Code § 65905.5. Meetings required by CEQA are exempt from the limit.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-1-2023)