A report by a Qualified Arborist, as described in § 8.36.060, shall:
   (A)   Describe the tree(s) to be altered or removed, including species, height, diameter Breast Height, and approximate age.
   (B)   Clearly describe and identify any disease or structural defect affecting the tree and any threat or hazard to people or property presented by the tree(s), including, where applicable, a clear description of the threatened structure and the condition(s) of the tree(s) that give rise to the threat.
   (C)   Discuss what measures could be considered to preserve the tree(s) or mitigate the risk to property and the relative feasibility of such alternatives.
   (D)   Include a completed Tree Hazard Evaluation Form, as developed by the ISA (International Society of Architects).
(Ord. 743, passed 7-1-2009)