§ 1.10.020 DEFINITIONS.
   Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this chapter shall be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this chapter its most reasonable application.
   ADMINISTRATIVE CITATION. A notice issued by an enforcement officer pursuant to this chapter that there has been a violation of the code and that an administrative fine is imposed.
   CODE VIOLATION. Any violation of this code, any code it adopts by reference, any other ordinance of the town, or applicable law or legally enforceable standard.
   ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. An individual designated by the Town Manager to enforce the provisions of the code or other applicable law.
     HEARING AUTHORITY. Shall consist of any town staff person or consultant appointed by the Town Manager as a hearing officer.
   ISSUANCE DATE. The day an administrative citation is personally served on a responsible person, is mailed to a responsible person, or is posted on real property where a property-related violation occurred.
   ISSUE. To give, mail, or post an administrative citation.
   NOTICE OF DECISION. A notice that informs a responsible person of a decision made by a hearing authority pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   NOTICE OF VIOLATION. Any notice that informs a person that a violation of the code, any code it adopts by reference, or other applicable law, occurred.
   PRELIMINARY REVIEWING AUTHORITY. The department head of the issuing enforcement officer.
   RESPONSIBLE PERSON. Any of the following:
      (1)   An individual or legal entity that, by action or inaction, causes or maintains a code violation, or permits or allows a code violation.
      (2)   An individual or legal entity whose agent, employee, or independent contractor, by action or inaction, causes or maintains a code violation, or permits or allows a code violation.
      (3)   An owner, lessee or sub-lessee with current right of possession of real property on which a code violation occurs.
      (4)   An individual or legal entity that uses the property where the violation occurs.
      (5)   An on-site manager of a business normally working at the site when the business is open and responsible for the activities at such business.
      (6)   The owners, majority stockholders, controlling owners, corporate officers, trustees, and/or general partners of a legal entity that is a responsible person under divisions (1) through (5) above.
      (7)   If any of the above persons are minors, the parents or guardians of such minors shall be deemed the responsible person.
   TOWN MANAGER. The Manager of the Town of Fairfax, or his or her designee.
(Ord. 745, passed 9-2-2009)