(A)   (1)   Pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 50022.9, the Marin County animal control regulations set forth in Title 8 of the Marin County Code as Chapters 8.04, 8.08 and 8.12, including all revisions and amendments thereto adopted by the Marin County Board of Supervisors as of April 10, 2018, are adopted by reference and shall be in force and effect within the town.
      (2)   Wherever the term “Sheriff” is used in the foregoing Marin County animal control regulations the same shall be deemed to refer to the Police Chief of the Town of Fairfax or his or her designated representative.
   (B)   Excluded from the provisions of this section are ostriches housed at any location within the town as of the operative date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, so long as the number of said ostriches does not exceed six, and so long as the owner of any such property or site obtains any and all licenses and/or permits required by the Marin County Humane Society within 30 days of the operative date of this amendment. If ostriches cease to be housed at the site for a period of six months or longer, the exclusion created hereby shall cease and become inoperative for any purpose.
(Prior Code, § 6.04.010) (Ord. 643, passed - -1995; Am. Ord. 671, passed - -1998; Am. Ord. 732, passed 4-16-2008; Am. Ord. 818, passed 6-6-2018)