§ 3.40.020 ACTION ON CLAIM.
   Within 60 days following receipt of claim for refund by the Town Clerk, the Town Council shall act upon the claim. If the Town Council fails to act upon the claim within 60 days, the claim shall be deemed rejected. If the claim is rejected in whole or in part, the person who paid the fee, tax or assessment, his or her guardian, conservator, executor or administrator may bring an action in court to recover the fee, tax or assessment. No other person may bring such an action and a class action shall not be permitted; but if another should bring such an action, judgment shall not be rendered for the plaintiff. Any such action shall be filed and service of the summons and complaint shall be made on the town not more than six months after rejection of the claim.
(Prior Code, § 3.40.020) (Ord. 652, passed - -1996)
Statutory reference:
   Filing claim, see Cal. Gov’t Code § 945.6