(A)   The owner of a lot fronting on or adjacent to any portion of a street shall maintain any trees, shrubs, hedges or other landscaping along said street or within the street right-of-way adjacent to his or her property in such non-dangerous condition that the trees, shrubs, hedges or other landscaping will not interfere with the public convenience or safety in the use of the streets and sidewalks. Said owners shall maintain such street trees so that there is a minimum eight-foot vertical pedestrian clearance from the top of the sidewalk and a minimum thirteen-foot vertical clearance from the top of the curb or the edge of pavement if no curb exists, to any part of a street tree.
   (B)   For purposes of this part, maintenance of trees, shrubs, hedges and other landscaping includes but is not limited to: deep root altering, root pruning, installing root barriers, clearance and structural trimming, fertilizing, pest control, and removal of branches, leaves and other debris.
   (C)   Property owners required by this section to maintain trees, shrubs, hedges and other landscaping shall owe a duty to members of the public using public streets and sidewalks to maintain such trees, shrubs, hedges or other landscaping in compliance with provisions under this title in a safe and non-dangerous condition for users of the public streets and sidewalks.
   (D)   If any fronting or adjacent property owner fails to maintain any adjacent trees, shrubs, hedges or other landscaping in a non-dangerous condition as required by this section, and any person suffers damage or injury to person or property, the fronting or adjacent property owner shall be liable for all damages or injuries caused by the failure of the owner to maintain these areas.
   (E)   The requirements of this section shall not apply to any sidewalk damaged by any tree, shrub, hedge or other landscaping installed and maintained by the Town of Fairfax.
(Ord. 713, passed 9-7-2005; Am. Ord. 801, passed 4-6-2016)