The following signs, as well as all other signs not expressly permitted by this chapter, are prohibited in all districts and shall not be erected, maintained or, except as a nonconforming sign, permitted to continue in any district:
   (a)   Portable signs, except when approved in connection with temporary uses.
   (b)   Projecting building signs.
   (c)   Roof signs.
   (d)   Any sign that advertises, identifies, or pertains to a business no longer conducted, or a product no longer sold, on the premises where such sign is located. Such signs shall be removed within 30 days following cessation of the relevant activity.
   (e)   Any sign on a tree, utility pole or public bench, whether on public or private property, except house numbers on private property.
   (f)   Any sign on public property, except governmental signs authorized in this chapter.
   (g)   Any sign using reflective paint or tape, other than governmental sign or warning sign.
   (h)   Signs which incorporate in any manner any flashing or moving lights, except electronic message boards.
   (i)   Signs which are painted on or attached to any trees, telephone poles, public benches or street lights.
   (j)   Search lights.
   (k)   Any unauthorized warning signs which make use of words such as “Stop,” “Look,” “Danger,” or any other words, phrases, symbols or characters which might interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.
   (l)   Any signs or other advertising structures containing any obscene matter.
   (m)   Marquee signs.
   (n)   Gas tube and neon signs.
(Ord. 12-64. Passed 3-12-13.)