(a)   Definitions:
      (1)   "Litter" means relatively small amounts of debris, garbage, trash, waste, rubbish, ashes, cans, cartons, boxes or anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature. Small amounts being exemplified as:
         A.   The contents of a litter bag or container of the type and size customarily carried and used in a motor vehicle;
         B.   The contents of an ash tray customarily installed or carried and used in a motor vehicle;
         C.   Beverage containers and food sacks, wrappings, and containers of a type and in an amount that reasonably may be expected to be generated during a day of routine commuting or business or recreational travel by motor vehicle.
      (2)   "Garbage" means discarded animal, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetable matter or the contents of human waste containers.
      (3)   "Refuse or rubbish" means miscellaneous waste material and refuse from housekeeping and mercantile enterprises and shall include amounts larger than litter as defined above of items including boxes, cartons, paper, cans, bottles, glass, metal, wire, discarded household appliances, bedding materials and furniture, discarded building materials, yard waste including leaves, grass clippings, twigs, limbs or branches, plants or other waste material.
      (4)   "Junk" means any worn out, cast-off or discarded or abandoned material including auto parts or tires.
      (5)   "Person" includes individuals, businesses, firms or corporations or any similar entity.
      (6)   "Dump" shall mean, regardless of intent, to throw, drop, deposit, discard, abandon, transport or place by any means.
      (7)   "Public way" shall include, without limitation, any publicly dedicated or maintained sidewalk, path, highway, street, or road located in the corporate limits of the Village.
   (b)   No person shall, regardless of intent, deposit litter or cause litter to be deposited on any public property, on private property not owned by the person, or in or on the waters of the state. Provided however, depositing litter in a receptacle intended for use by the public shall not constitute the prohibited act of littering.
   (c)   No person shall dump, cause to be dumped or scattered upon any public way, or public property of the Village, nor upon any private property, nor in the trash receptacle or dumpster of another person without express permission to do so, any garbage, refuse, rubbish, junk or other offensive material.
   (d)   Whoever violates division (b) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Whoever violates division (c) of this section is guilty of a 3rd degree misdemeanor. Punishment shall be as provided in Section 698.02.
   (e)   Whoever is found guilty of violating division (c) of this section may also be ordered by the court to pay the Village for the cost of cleaning up and disposing of the dumped material. The failure to pay such cost within the time specified by the court shall constitute a separate violation of this section and is a 3rd degree misdemeanor.
(Ord. 20-43. Passed 6-9-20.)