As used in this chapter:
(a) "Air contaminant" means smoke, dust, fumes, soot, fly ash, charred paper, vapors except water vapor, gases, odors or particulate matter or any combination thereof.
(b) "Air pollution" means smoke, dust, fumes, soot, fly ash, charred paper, vapors except water vapor, gases, odors or particulate matter or any combination thereof or any other material in a quantity and of a character such as to create an unclean, destructive, generally offensive or unhealthful condition or otherwise cause contamination of the air when emitted or allowed to escape into the air.
(c) "Fuel burning equipment" means any furnace, incinerator, refuse-burning equipment, boiler, apparatus, device, mechanism, chimney stack or structure, except a railroad locomotive, used in the process of burning fuel or combustible material.
(d) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, syndicate, company, firm, trust, corporation, government corporation, department, bureau, agency or other entity recognized by law as subject to rights and duties.
(e) "Air Pollution Control Officer" shall be construed to mean the Air Pollution Control and Heating Engineer of the City of Cincinnati or any person specifically designated by him to act as the Air Pollution Control Officer under the terms of the agreement entered into with the City of Cincinnati for providing air pollution control services.
(Ord. 49-70. Passed 7-8-70.)