(a)   No person who is the owner or lessee of any camper; trailer; boat; motor home; house vehicle; recreational vehicle; or, other vehicle designed for living or sleeping shall have such vehicle parked in any residential area of the Village of Evendale for any part of more than two calendar days in any one calendar week.
   (b)   No person who is the owner or lessee of any motor vehicle; camper; trailer; boat; motor home; truck; van; bus; house vehicle; recreational vehicle; or, any other vehicle shall have such vehicle in any Commercial Parking Area within the Village of Evendale for more than four hours.
   (c)   No person who is the owner, lessee, or occupier of any real property within any commercial area of the Village of Evendale shall have any inoperable motor vehicle, motor vehicle under repair, any vehicle which cannot be legally operated on a public roadway, or parts of a vehicle in any yard area of such lot for more than ten consecutive calendar days.
(Ord. 91-75. Passed 6-30-92)
   Penalty, see Section 452.99