1.   Animals which are impounded shall be placed in the City animal shelter, licensed kennel, or other suitable place as directed by the Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer shall register every impounded animal noting the species, breed, color, and sex of such animal, and, if a dog or cat, whether or not it is wearing a license tag.
   2.   When an animal has been apprehended and impounded, written notice shall be provided to the owner within two days after impoundment, if the owner’s name and current address can reasonably be determined by accessing a tag or other device that is on or part of the animal. Impounded animals may be recovered by the owner upon payment of impounding costs, and if an unlicensed and/or unvaccinated cat or dog, by having it immediately licensed and/or vaccinated. If the owner fails to redeem the animal within seven days from the date that the notice is mailed, or if the owner cannot be located within seven days, the animal shall be disposed of in accordance with law or destroyed by euthanasia.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.37, 351.41)
   3.   For purposes of this section, the Animal Control Officer may give notice to the owner either orally, by posting a notice at the owner’s residence, or by mail.