1.   It is unlawful for any person to trap, poison, or destroy any animal, except in the following circumstances:
      A.   Trapping, poisoning, or destroying, in a permissible manner, any mole or rodent (rat, mouse, or gopher) found upon the premises, with the exception of tree squirrels;
      B.   Trapping, poisoning, or destroying, in a permissible manner, pigeons which congregate on such premises in such a manner as to create a hazard to public health or cause damage to property;
      C.   Trapping or destroying, in a permissible manner, any dangerous animal found at large upon the premises and constituting an immediate threat to the safety or health of any person;
      D.   Trapping, poisoning, or destroying, in a permissible manner, any animal which has entered the occupied portion of any building or which has entered or nested in the attic, eaves, drainage or plumbing vent piping of any building, thereby creating a nuisance which cannot otherwise be abated, except that animals regulated pursuant to Chapter 481A and 481B of the Code of Iowa may not be trapped, poisoned or destroyed unless permission has first been obtained from the Department of Natural Resources;
      E.   The utilization of live traps to apprehend animals on any premises, regardless of the zone, if such animals constitute a nuisance due to the destruction of property, and if the method and location of such trapping are with the concurrence of and under the direction of the State Department of Natural Resources or Department of Health. If such trapping is done with the concurrence of and under the direction of the Department of Natural Resources, killer traps may be utilized.
   2.   In the event that the Board of Health determines that game animal or fur-bearing animal populations pose a significant threat to public health, safety, or property anywhere within the City, the Board may authorize trapping by licensed pest control operators or by commercial trappers who do not own the properties to be trapped, provided that the written permission of such property owner is first obtained, utilizing leg-hold traps, live traps, or killer traps in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 481A and 481B of the Code of Iowa. It is the duty of every person maintaining traps pursuant to this chapter to label said traps plainly with a metal tag displaying the owner’s name and address and to inspect said traps at least once every 24 hours. Failure to do so shall constitute a misdemeanor. All animals trapped pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be promptly disposed of or destroyed in a humane manner. Traps which are placed or used in violation of this provision may be seized by the Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer may allow any person 18 years of age or older to trap game animals and/or fur-bearing animals in accordance with Chapter 481A and 481B of the Code of Iowa, and under the same terms and conditions as set forth above, upon City-owned property, if the Animal Control Officer determines that such trapping is necessary either to prevent animal over-population of those premises, or to promote the public health, welfare and safety, or to abate a nuisance caused by such animal population.
   3.   Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the operation of a pest control business within the City by licensed pest control technicians, provided that the pest control methods used meet with the approval of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. A licensed pest control technician may perform any of the acts set forth in paragraphs A through E of subsection 1 of this section, if done in accordance with the requirements therein set forth and if authorized to do so by the owner or person in possession and control of the premises.
   4.   Nothing herein shall limit the authority of the Animal Control Officer to apprehend by any means animals found at large in violation of this chapter, or to apprehend by any means or destroy any animal found at large which constitutes an immediate threat to public health, welfare, or safety.
   5.   Nothing herein shall limit the authority of the Department of Natural Resources to trap or allow trapping upon property owned by the State or under the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the Department of Natural Resources.