All weeds, vines, brush, grass, and noxious weeds as defined by the Code of Iowa, or other growths which exceed a height of 12 inches growing on lots and parcels of ground within the corporate City limits are declared to be a weed hazard and constitute a health, safety and fire hazard, and a public nuisance. It is unlawful for any owner of any property within the corporate City limits to maintain, cause, or permit weeds, grasses, or other herbaceous vegetation to grow under such circumstances that said vegetation is a nuisance and weed hazard as defined in this chapter. Such determination shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer. Such hazards and nuisances shall be abated by the property owner or person in possession of the property. Failure to abate shall constitute a municipal infraction and may be addressed under the terms of Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances.