For use in this chapter, the following terms are defined:
1. “Abandoned vehicle” means:
A. A vehicle which has been left unattended on public property for more than 48 hours and lacks current registration plates or two or more wheels, or other parts which render the vehicle inoperable; or
B. A vehicle that has remained illegally on public property for more than 72 hours; or
C. A vehicle that has been unlawfully parked on private property or has been placed on private property without the consent of the owner or person in the control of the property for more than 24 hours; or
D. A vehicle that has been legally impounded by order of the department and has not been reclaimed for a period of 10 days; or
E. Any vehicle parked on the highway determined by the department to create a hazard to other vehicle traffic.
2. “Enclosed structure” means any permanent structure built for the enclosure of property, which contains a roof and at least four exterior walls constructed in such a manner as to obscure from a person’s view from any street or adjacent property the contents within the structure. A vehicle is not an enclosed structure.
3. “Junk” means the following items stored in outdoor areas or in partially enclosed sheds, lean-tos, or other structures that do not meet the definition of enclosed structure: building materials not part of an active building project authorized by a current City building permit; abandoned, inoperable, or junk vehicles; non-registered or unlicensed vehicles; auto parts; miscellaneous steel, plastic, rubber or metal parts; junk tires; packing boxes; wood pallets; tree limbs; brush piles; discarded lumber, not including neatly stacked firewood located on a side yard or a rear yard; broken or unused furniture and appliances; any upholstered or finished furniture intended for indoor usage such as couches, beds, mattresses, desks, chairs, shelving, or wooden tables; broken or unused household furnishings or equipment including carpeting, appliances and other typical household items intended for indoor usage; plastic tarps; trash bags containing leaves, debris, garbage or other items; trash and garbage not properly contained within a trash disposal container; bicycles deemed by the City to be not roadworthy that are not being used as a tasteful lawn decoration; or any other discarded or miscellaneous item or items not normally required in the day-to-day use of the exterior area of the property, when stored continuously in excess of 48 hours on any portion of any property outside of a totally enclosed structure located on the property.
4. “Junk vehicle” means any vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer stored 48 hours within the City limits, whether currently licensed or not, which because of any one of the following characteristics constitutes a threat to public health, welfare, and/or safety:
A. Any vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which has a missing or broken windshield or window glass, fender, door, bumper, hood, steering wheel, driver’s seat, trunk, fuel tank, two or more wheels, engine, drive shaft, differential, battery, generator or alternator, or other component part of an electrical system, or any component or structural part, rendering said vehicle inoperable; or
B. Any vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which has become the habitat of rats, mice, snakes, or any other vermin or insects; or
C. Any vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which contains stored gasoline or other flammable fuel, paper, cardboard, wood, or other combustible materials, garbage, refuse, solid waste, debris, etc.; or
D. Any vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer used for storage purposes or harborage, cage, or dwelling for animals of any kinds; or
E. Any other vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which because of its defective or obsolete condition in any other way constitutes a threat to the public health or safety of the citizens of the City; or
F. Any vehicle which is uninsured or in violation of the laws of the State of Iowa, or which for any reason is uninsurable.
5. “Nuisance” means whatever is injurious to health, indecent, or offensive to the senses, or obstruction to the free use of property, so as essentially to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.
6. “Inoperable” means not capable of being moved under its own power.
7. “Stored” means not capable of being used or operated.
8. “Unlicensed vehicle” means any vehicle which is required to be licensed if it is operated on a public street or highway, but which is not displaying a valid and current license.
9. “Vehicle” means every implement, upon or by which a person or property may be transported on land, water, or air, and shall include, without limitation, a motor vehicle, automobile, truck, trailer, motor home, wagon, fifth wheel trailer, camper, motorcycle, etc.