(A)   Before enforcing any provision of this chapter by a citation, arrest or other custodial activity, police officers of the city and other peace officers shall first request from the person suspected of being under 18 years of age the actual age thereof and the reasons and purpose thereof, for remaining or otherwise being in a public place or establishment during the curfew hours established herein.
   (B)   No police officer of the city, or any other peace officer shall enforce any provision of this chapter by any citation, arrest or other custodial activity unless the officer reasonably believes from the responses of the person suspected of being under 18 years of age, or any other circumstances, that an offense and violation of this chapter has occurred; and that there are no defenses to the enforcement of this chapter described herein.
   (C)   In the enforcement of this chapter, all city police officers and all other peace officers shall comply with the duties identified in KRS 610.200 through 610.280; and shall also comply with the provisions of all other applicable laws, including, without limitation, the Kentucky Unified Juvenile Code in KRS Chapters 600 to 645.
(1996 Code, § 132.05) (Ord. 2042, passed 10-4-1994)