(a) The subdivider shall improve all streets, or highways, which are a part of the subdivision. The required improvements shall be such as may be necessary for the general use of the residents and shall include grading and surfacing of streets and the drainage thereof. All street improvements shall be approved by the Village Administrator/designee prior to acceptance of the streets or release of performance bond.
(b) In order that construction of dwellings may begin without undue hardship to the developer and/or excessive damage to the streets, such streets may be laid in two stages described in the following paragraphs. The finished street shall conform to the cross-sectional drawings for Collector and Standard Streets shown in the appendix of these Subdivision Regulations and shall be completed not less than two years after grading has started.
(c) Prior to construction of the base course, the subsurface shall be brought to a uniform grade and cross section. It shall be thoroughly compacted and cleared of foreign matter. Immediately following the preparation of the sub-surface, course aggregate Ohio State Specification B219.03 and within the limits specified in the composition table under Section B219.06 or fully equal shall be spread on the prepared subgrade in such loose depth as will provide a minimum of six inches of compacted aggregate in the base course. The aggregate shall be spread by hand or from self-spreading devices. Dumping "en masse" on the subgrade shall not be permitted. If aggregate segregates into sizes in handling, it shall be remixed until it presents a uniform appearance prior to spreading on the road. The surface of the loose aggregate shall be
carefully shaped with a blade grader (except where hand shaping is approved by the Village Administrator/designee), and all high and low spots remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be required. It shall then be rolled once, with a three-wheeled roller weighing not less than five tons and having a minimum weight of 200 pounds per inch width of the rear wheel. Rolling shall start longitudinally at the sides and proceed toward the center of the pavement, overlapping on successive trips by at least one half the width of a rear wheel.
(d) Aggregate course number two shall be applied immediately prior to final surfacing and shall be laid in the same manner as course number one so that the total depth of course number one and course number two shall be not less than eight inches. During and after the laying of course number two, no traffic shall be permitted on the improvement until the surface has been finished. The surface of the base shall be kept free of dirt and foreign substances and shall in every way meet the approval of the Village Administrator/designee before Bituminous Prime Coat is applied.
(e) Prime Coat shall be T-30 Specification applied eight-tenths (0.8) to one and one-tenths (1.1) gallons per square yard and while yet warm, there shall be spread over its surface a light sprinkling of clean, dry No. 5 aggregate in just sufficient quantity to prevent the roller wheels from sticking. The road surface shall be rolled until the stone is thoroughly imbedded into the asphalt primer and anchored in place. The aggregate for this purpose shall be applied by means of a mechanical spreader and shall be ready for immediate use before any asphalt primer shall be applied. It shall be applied ahead of truck or spreader wheels. The rolling shall continue until the pavement is firmly bound together, and the surface is hard and smooth and shows no perceptible movement under the roller.
(f) The pavement shall then be treated with a second and third application of Bituminous Material Specification T-31 in the same manner as specified in the preceding paragraph except that the rate of application shall be from three-tenths (0.3) to four-tenths (0.4) gallons per square yard and the aggregate shall be mixture of No. 6 and No. 9.
(g) After completion of the seal coat, the surface of the finished pavement shall be free from depressions exceeding one half inch as measured with a ten foot straight edge paralleling the center of the roadway.
(h) The control of traffic during the period of construction shall be the responsibility of the developer.
(Ord. 60-18. Passed 6-23-60.)