(a) Surfacing. All open off street parking areas (except a required parking space accessory to a single family dwelling) shall be graded and provided with a hard surface of bituminous or portland cement concrete, except residential tracts exceeding 40,000 square feet in land area.
(b) Separation. All open off street parking areas shall be separated from public sidewalks by a space at least four feet in width, and a six inch high barrier (curb) shall be provided on the parking lot side of the four foot width.
(c) Screening. When any open off street parking area used for any nonresidential purpose containing more than two parking spaces is not separated from a district zoned Residential by a dedicated street, an effective buffer or screen consisting of a solid wall, fence, or dense living hedge shall be provided at the lot line to protect the privacy of the adjoining residential uses. Such wall, fence, or hedge shall be not less than six feet in height.
(d) Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off street parking areas shall be equipped with suitable shielding or be so designed as to prevent a glare at eye level on surrounding public or private property.
(e) Repair and Service. No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind, except emergency repairs, shall be permitted in or in association with any off street parking area.
(f) Drainage. All open off street parking areas shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Village Engineer. Such approval will not be required for off street parking in districts "A" through "R-6."
(g) Interior Design. All parts of open off street parking areas which are unusable, either for parking or for traffic, shall be paved or landscaped with plantings of grass, flowers, shrubs, and/or trees, which shall be continuously maintained.
(h) Marking. Designated parking spaces shall be marked on the surface of the parking area with paint or permanent marking materials and maintained in a clearly visible condition.
(Ord. 74-8. Passed 10-3-74.)