The following general provisions are applicable to all signs unless modified herein.
(a) The supports, uprights, bracing, pole, post, strut, cable, or other structural fixture or framework, necessary to hold and secure the sign face, all of which shall be considered to be an integral part of the actual sign as described in Chapter 1135.
(b) No sign or sign supporting structure shall be located within or over an established Village right-of-way.
(c) All signs and sign supporting structures shall be set back fifteen feet from the Village right-of-way except for the following cases:
(1) When an existing building is closer than fifteen feet from the Village right-of-way line, the following types of signs will be permitted provided they do not encroach into the Village right-of-way nor do they violate any other regulation(s) of this chapter.
A. Awning, Canopy, or Marquee.
B. Projecting Sign(s).
C. Roof Sign(s).
D. Wall Sign(s).
(2) When an existing sign structure or sign support system is closer than fifteen feet from the Village right-of-way line, a sign may be mounted to the structure or support system provided that it does not violate any other regulation(s) of this chapter.
(d) No sign shall be erected to a height greater than the maximum permitted height for structures in the District in which the sign is located.
(e) Signs may be illuminated subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Such sign illumination does not constitute a public safety or traffic hazard. Where illumination is provided, it shall be placed or directed so as not to permit the illumination therefrom to be directed or beamed upon adjacent property or public street.
(2) No illuminated sign shall be constructed which will interfere with the operation or safety of any traffic control signal.
(3) No flashing, rotating, or moving light source shall be permitted on any sign.
(f) No sign shall be permitted which interferes with the visibility of pedestrian or vehicular traffic entering, leaving, or operating on thoroughfares.
(g) All signs or billboards constructed or erected shall be maintained so that all sign surfaces, supports, braces, guys, and anchors shall be kept in repair and in a proper state of preservation by painting or otherwise.
(h) If any sign or billboard shall become abandoned, in the manner defined herein, such a sign or billboard is declared to be a public nuisance by reason that continued lack of use results in lack of reasonable and adequate maintenance, thereby causing deterioration and blighting influence on nearby properties. A sign or billboard is abandoned if it meets any one of the following criteria:
(1) Any sign or billboard associated with an abandoned nonconforming use.
(2) Any sign or billboard that remains after the termination of a business. A business has ceased operations if it is closed to the public for at least 180 consecutive days. Seasonal businesses are exempted from this determination.
(Ord. 93-12. Passed 12-14-93.)