In the "A," "I-1," and "I-2" Districts a well may be drilled for the exploration for, or production of, natural oil or gas.
(a) An application or a drilling permit shall be filed with the Zoning Inspector setting forth:
The location of the proposed well on a map (1"=200') drawn by a registered engineer or land surveyor that further shows:
(1) The location of all property lines bordering the proposed well site.
(2) The location and use of each structure within 300 feet of the proposed well site.
(3) The location of all underground public and private utility or drainage lines or facilities within 100 feet of the proposed well site.
(4) The location of all public easements and right-of-way within 300 feet of the proposed well site.
(b) Required conditions:
(1) No well shall be located within 200 feet of any lot in any "R" District.
(2) No well shall be located within 50 feet of any property line except as allowed under the provisions of voluntary pooling as set forth by the regulations of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Mines.
(3) No well shall be located within 300 feet of any school, church, hospital, or other structure used for public assembly.
(4) Other fire, health, and safety standards shall be reviewed and a determination made that, as set forth in the drilling permit or as conditions to its approval, adequate precautions have been provided. Such conditions may control the hours of operation of such drilling operations, the mode of transportation used at the well site, the location and type of waste disposal pits or tanks, the location and type of disposal of waste gases, the location and housing of proposed internal combustion or towers, the location and size of electric lights, the protection of the site from the public view, and any other reasonable standards related to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare.
(c) If during the drilling operation the conditions set forth in the drilling permit application or the conditions set forth by the Board prior to its approval are violated, the Zoning Inspector shall report such actions to the Board, which, if it concurs, may cancel the permit. If such permit is cancelled and any drilling operations are continued thereafter, the same shall be a violation of the Zoning Ordinance and subject to the penalties as provided herein under Section 1181.99
(d) The Board may determine the amount of time for which a permit is valid, but in no case shall a permit exceed twenty-four months. Before a permit becomes invalid, the applicant shall submit either:
(1) A well closing report stating the manner in which the well has been abandoned and sealed, which must be accepted by the Board and Council and which shall demonstrate that the site has been restored to its previous condition insofar as such is desirable and possible and the well sealed so as to be impervious through the level of the water table, or;
(2) A well production plan enlarging upon and supplementing the drilling permit application in regard to the proposed location and character of pumps and pump housings; the proposed location of storage tanks, their size and type; the proposed landscaping, fencing, and screening of the well site; and the proposed location, size and pressure of underground pipes or lines, all of which shall be subject to approval by the Board on the basis of being compatible with the vicinity.
(Ord. 74-8. Passed 10-3-74.)