(a) Every mobile home park shall provide a main entrance drive not less than thirty-six (36) feet wide. All other drives shall be of a width and design necessary for the use required as determined by the village administrator/designee, except that no drive shall have a usable travel width less than twenty-four (24) feet with an inside radius on all curves of not less than forty (40) feet.
(b) All drives shall be protected at the edges by curbs, gutters, or other suitable edging as necessary to provide for the stabilization of the pavement and adequate drainage.
(c) All mobile home spaces or lots shall abut a driveway.
(d) Every mobile home park shall contain continuous sidewalks not less than three (3) feet wide along all internal drives used on site frontage.
(e) Within the boundary of each mobile home space or lot there shall be at least two (2) paved parking spaces not closer than three (3) feet to the mobile home dwelling, nor closer than ten (10) feet from any mobile home dwelling on an adjoining space or lot. Said parking spaces shall be not less than nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long when measured rectangularly.