A.   Form of Complaint: Whenever a violation of this title occurs or is alleged to have occurred, any person may file a written complaint. Such complaint stating fully the cause and basis thereof shall be filed with the Town Clerk-Treasurer or Deputy Clerk, who shall make or cause to be made a complete investigation of the allegations and take the appropriate action as provided by this title.
   B.   Penalty: Violations of the provisions of this title or failure to comply with any of its requirements shall constitute a misdemeanor. Any person who violates this title or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code, and in addition, shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense and punishable as such. (Prior Code §§ 5.28.010 and 5.28.020; amd. 2003 Code; Ord. passed 7-14-2022)