A.   Independent System: Each lot will have its own separate sewer line. Division of a lot or subdivision will require a separate line.
   B.   Bond: Prior to issuing a permit to connect into the sewer and/or water lines a bond shall be furnished to the town by the property owner to receive authorization for opening the street or alley. The streets shall be repaired as soon as possible, weather permitting. The town shall issue a written instruction sheet to the property owner, upon receipt of the bond, stating the responsibilities of the town and the property owner in methods for opening and replacing the street or alley to a suitable condition. Any bond amount not needed in replacing the street or alley to a suitable condition will be refunded to the property owner. In the event the bond does not cover the expenses for replacement of the street or alley the property owner will be billed the amount exceeding the bond posted for said replacement costs. The bond amount for street opening will be set by the commission, reviewed annually and adjusted when necessary. (Per motion dated 3-12-2009)