9-2-1: REQUIRED:
All buildings, residential or commercial, fronting on public streets, avenues and highways in the town shall be numbered in conformity with the following provisions:
   A.   Odd numbers shall be given to houses on the east and south sides of the streets, avenues and highways and even numbers on the west and north sides of the same.
   B.   Numbers increase in increments of two (2) for each twenty five feet (25').
   C.   Numbering starts at South First Street and North First Street running east and west therefrom; and East Main Street and West Main Street (State Highway 287) running north and south therefrom.
   D.   Numbers increase in increments of one hundred (100) for each block or major division.
   E.   Houses sitting behind another house are assigned a one-half (1/2) number. If there are multiple residences on a single lot, the primary residence gets the full number and the remaining residences or apartments are assigned A, B, C, etc. Unless a single apartment unit is attached to a building, it will be given its own number. Duplexes or apartments which have their own entrance and at least twenty five feet (25') of street access will be designated by a full number. Duplexes or apartments which share a common foyer will be designated A, B, C, etc. (Prior Code § 15.04.010)