The law enforcement officer, upon making an arrest for a highway and driving violation, shall either deliver the offender to the city judge during office hours or to the county jail or, in lieu thereof, deliver the offender a form of summons describing the nature of the offense with instructions thereon for the offender to report to the city judge, or in lieu of reporting to the city judge and during such hours as the city judge is not available and in the case of a nonresident of the town, the law enforcement officer has the right to set and accept a deposit for appearance justifiable for the offense charged. In the event the law enforcement officer sets and accepts bail, he shall give a signed receipt to the offender setting forth the amount received. The law enforcement officer shall then deliver the bail money to the city judge and the city judge shall give a receipt to the officer therefor. After filing of the complaint and appearance of the defendant, the city judge shall assume jurisdiction and may set, fix and accept further appearance bond as he shall see fit. (Prior Code § 10.04.070)