In order to obtain a variance a person must complete an application and come before the town commission and give reasons why a variance is needed and how they plan to mitigate any adverse impact the variance might have on the town of Ennis and/or neighbors. The variance only has to be applied for once, but the commission can ask for more information and table the issuance of the variance until all questions have been answered and all necessary documentation is reviewed. A notification form should be provided to each residence adjacent, including those across a public right of way. This notification shall indicate that the applicant intends to apply for a variance and the circumstance in which the variance is applied for. If a neighbor refuses to sign the notification, the applicant shall so state on the application. In the event a neighbor cannot be reached, a registered letter should be sent to the neighbor's primary address.
In the event that a complaint is received, or an offense occurs, the animal owner will get a chance to come into compliance with this title. In the event that multiple offenses occur, or failure to come into compliance with this title, may result in the removal of the animals, and/or the variance being revoked.
Where the party seeking a variance is not the fee owner of the property the applicant shall obtain the property owner's consent in writing for the variance as described on the application. The owner's consent shall be submitted with the permit application. For the purpose of this section, when a party seeks to apply for a variance on a property owned as condominium, the consent of the property owners' association must be obtained. An officer of the association may sign as the landowner. (Ord. 135, 11-5-2010)