A.   The "group home" concept offers the opportunity for the developmentally disabled to live a normal life by residing in environments providing maximum potential for social contact and interaction and by providing appropriate treatment, services, and habilitation in a setting that is least restrictive of personal liberty. These residential facilities have similar off site impacts and service demands as do conventional residences for nondisabled persons and shall be permitted in any residential zoning district subject to density limitations of other residential uses permitted in each district.
   B.   The purposes of this chapter are:
      1.   To promote the rights of the developmentally disabled to enjoy adequate habilitative services in the least restrictive community based setting; and
      2.   To provide the disabled with the patterns and conditions of everyday living which are as close as possible to the regular circumstances and way of life of society; and
      3.   To provide a clear and uniform zoning and land use policy for the establishment of residential facilities for the developmentally disabled. (1994 Code § 25-200)