A.   Meter Required: No person shall make a connection to or use water from any service until a meter has been set thereon.
   B.   Ownership Or Replacement Of Meter: All meters installed by the city shall be the property of the city and shall not be removed unless the use of water on the premises is to be discontinued. In cases where meters or meter boxes are lost, injured or broken by owner or occupant of the premises, it shall be replaced or repaired at the expense of the owner or occupant. The cost of the water meter shall not exceed the cost listed on the fee schedule located in section 2-6E-4 of this code. The cost of replacement or repair may also include the actual cost of parts, labor, and connection to the water line, if applicable. In case of the nonpayment of such fee, the water shall be shut off until paid. If a meter fails to register properly, the utility services customer shall be charged on an estimate made by the city based upon past consumption on the premises. (Ord. 2010-10, 9-21-2010)