4-5-5: HEARING 1 :
   A.   Hearing By Building Official: A hearing may be held by the building official to determine whether the accumulation of trash or the growth of weeds or grass has caused the property to become detrimental to the health, benefit, and welfare of the public and the community or a hazard to traffic, or creates a fire hazard to the danger of property.
   B.   Right Of City To Abate; Lien For Costs: Upon a finding that the condition of the property constitutes a detriment or hazard, and that the property would be benefited by the removal of such conditions, the agents of the city are granted the right of entry on the property for the removal of trash, mowing of weeds or grass, and performance of the necessary duties as a governmental function of the city. Immediately following the cleaning or mowing of the property, the city clerk shall file a notice of lien with the county clerk describing the property and the work performed by the city, and stating that the city claims a lien on said property for the cleaning or mowing costs.
   C.   Property Owner Right Of Appeal: The property owner shall have the right of appeal to the mayor and board of commissioners from any order of the building official. Such appeal shall be taken by filing written notice of appeal with the city clerk within ten (10) days after the administrative order is rendered. (1994 Code § 23-20)



1. State law reference - similar provisions, 11 OS § 22-111.