A.   Absence From Meetings:
      1.   Board Of Commissioners And Board Of Trustees Of City Trust Authorities: Whenever any member of the board of commissioners and/or a board of trustees of city trust authorities is absent from more than one-half (1/2) of all meetings of the board of commissioners and/or a board of trustees of city trust authorities, regular and special, held within any period of four (4) consecutive months, such member shall thereupon cease to hold such position.
      2.   Other Boards And Commissions Excepting City Trusts: Any member appointed or confirmed by the city shall cease to hold office whenever:
         a.   That member of a board or commission, that regularly meets on a monthly or more frequent basis, is absent from more than one-half (1/2) of all meetings of such board or commission, regular and special, held within any period of four (4) consecutive months; or
         b.   That member of a board or commission, that meets on call or regularly meets on less than a monthly basis, is absent from more than one-half (1/2) of all meetings of such board or commission, regular or special, held within any period of twelve (12) consecutive months.
   B.   Removal; Notice Of Charges, Hearing And Appeal:
      1.   Causes For Removal: Any member of any board or commission, other than members of board of trustees of city trust authorities, appointed by the mayor and board of commissioners, may be removed from office by the mayor and board of commissioners for any of the following causes:
         a.   Habitual or wilful neglect of duty;
         b.   Gross partiality in office;
         c.   Oppression in office;
         d.   Corruption in office;
         e.   Extortion or wilful overcharge of fees in office;
         f.   Wilful maladministration;
         g.   Habitual drunkenness;
         h.   Failure to produce and account for all public funds and property in his hands at any settlement or inspection authorized or required by law;
         i.   Violation of any penal statute involving moral turpitude;
         j.   Failure to maintain conditions of office.
      2.   Charges And Hearing: Prior to removal of a member of a city board or commission for causes other than absence, the member shall have been given written notice of the charges and be afforded an opportunity to be heard before the mayor and board of commissioners.
      3.   Appeal: The decision of the mayor and board of commissioners may be appealed to the district court of Garfield County if filed within thirty (30) days of the decision of the mayor and board of commissioners. (Ord. 2013-20, 3-5-2013)