A.   Emergency Calls:
      1.   Driver: Each ambulance shall have a driver who shall assist in attending to a patient and/or preparing an ambulance patient for transport. The driver shall not also be the attendant.
      2.   Attendant: Each ambulance shall have, in addition to its driver, an EMT/paramedic attendant who shall attend to the patient and shall remain with the ambulance patient being transported.
   B.   Nonemergency/Transport Calls:
      1.   Driver: Each ambulance shall have a driver who shall assist in attending to a patient and/or preparing an ambulance patient for transport. The driver shall not also be the attendant.
      2.   Attendant: Each ambulance shall have, in addition to its driver, an attendant who shall attend to the patient and shall remain with the ambulance patient being transported.
   C.   Dispatcher: Every operator shall, at all times, have stationed at his central place of business, a person who shall be required to promptly answer all calls for service, promptly dispatch ambulances, and be generally responsible for the conduct of the ambulance service. (Ord. 2015-06, 2-3-2015)