A. Vehicle Identification; Business Name On Vehicle: Each ambulance shall be identified in such a manner as to indicate clearly that the vehicle is used for ambulance purposes only. The ambulance service operator's business name shall appear on each side and on the rear of the vehicle in letters of not less than three inches (3") in height and one-half inch (1/2") in width on a metal portion of the body. No advertising of any type shall be placed on the vehicle.
B. Maintain In Good Operating Condition: License holders shall maintain in good operating condition and ready for use, all vehicles and equipment which shall be modern and capable of rendering a satisfactory ambulance service. All vehicles and equipment must be approved by the licensee's medical director and shall meet or exceed the requirements as required for licensing by the state of Oklahoma.
C. Inspection: All mechanical, safety and special equipment shall be subject to inspection at any time by authorized officials. No ambulance that has been substantially damaged or altered shall be again placed in service until it has been reinspected. All ambulances shall be subject to the same statutes and ordinances, and rules and regulations relating to safety and operating equipment applicable to other motor vehicles in the city.
D. Police Department Authority: The police department may conduct vehicle inspections of all approved ambulance services as often as in their judgment is warranted to maintain adequate standards, and shall have the right to remove any ambulance from operation for failure to maintain adequate mechanical standards of equipment, or for failure to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or article A, B or C of this chapter.
E. Vehicle/Equipment Delay: Should an ambulance or equipment break down en route to an emergency or while transporting a patient which results in a delay of more than fifteen (15) minutes or a change in equipment in order to complete the call, reporting of such delay shall be required. The report shall be submitted to the office of the city clerk of the city of Enid within ten (10) days of such event and shall outline the circumstances and the resolution of the occurrence. (Ord. 2015-06, 2-3-2015)