All ambulance services shall comply with the following regulations:
A. Providing Service: Every ambulance service shall provide immediate service, twenty four (24) hours daily, each and every day.
B. Vehicles In Service: Every operator shall have a minimum of two (2) ambulances in service in the city limits of Enid, which shall be fully staffed for emergency calls twenty four (24) hours daily, at least ninety five percent (95%) of the time, calculated monthly. An ambulance on an emergency response and/or emergency transport outside the city limits of Enid, but within the licensee's designated service area on file in the emergency systems office of the Oklahoma state department of health shall not be considered in violation of this subsection. The number of ambulances required to be in service in the city limits of Enid may be reduced, after an application providing for such request is filed with the city clerk, a hearing scheduled and heard before the city commission and the decision of the city commission reduced to writing, with a finding made that granting such request will not adversely affect the total emergency medical service to the people of the city. The number of ambulances required to be in service in the city limits of Enid may also be increased, in writing, by the city commission of the city of Enid, after providing for a public hearing, findings and a decision based on the criteria as provided hereinabove.
C. Employee Uniform: Every operator shall adopt and use a distinctive uniform color scheme which shall not infringe upon any color scheme already in use by another ambulance operator. Every driver and attendant shall be required to wear the appropriate uniform while on duty.
D. Answering Calls: An ambulance service shall respond when called, regardless of a patient's ability to pay. Patients shall be loaded and transported without being subject to unreasonable delays.
E. Sanitary Bed Linens: Clean and sanitary bed linens shall be provided for each patient and shall be changed as soon as practicable after the transport of a patient.
F. Daily Manifest: Drivers shall maintain a daily manifest upon which shall be recorded the time, place or origin, destination, and charges for each trip to be made.
G. Response Time: Every ambulance service shall maintain an emergency response time of eight (8) minutes fifty nine (59) seconds or less with a ninety percent (90%) accuracy, calculated monthly. (Ord. 2015-09, 3-3-2015)