12-6-5: BLOCKS:
   A.   Factors Governing Dimensions: Block length and width or acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size of lot required by the zoning ordinance and to provide for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic.
   B.   Lengths: Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand three hundred twenty feet (1,320'), or be less than two hundred fifty feet (250').
   C.   Arrangement: A block shall normally be so designed as to provide two (2) tiers of lots.
   D.   Pedestrian Walkways: In blocks over six hundred feet (600') long, pedestrian crosswalks may be required by the planning commission in locations deemed necessary to public health, convenience and necessity. Such crosswalk shall be ten feet (10') wide and be straight from street to street.
   E.   Sidewalks And Curb Ramps: Where sidewalks are provided the blocks must be designed to accommodate sidewalks and curb ramps with detectable warnings consistent with section 12-8-7 of this title. (Ord. 2009-09, 4-7-2009)