FRONT YARD FENCES: A fence located within the required front yard area for all zoning districts, or continuous with or in front of the front wall of the principal building on the site. It shall be considered as a structure and subject to the regulations of the city of Enid building regulations.
SIDE OR REAR YARD FENCES: A fence located behind the front wall of the principal building on the site. It shall be considered as a structure and subject to the regulations of the city of Enid building regulations.
SIGHT TRIANGLE: The area of the sight triangle shall be determined by the characteristics of the street, drive, alley or railroad intersections by which the triangle is formed.
   A.   An uncontrolled intersection shall require a sight triangle, clear of sight impediments, measuring fifty feet (50') along the curb line of both streets.
   B.   A four-way controlled intersection shall require a sight triangle measuring twenty feet (20') along the curb line of both streets.
   C.   A two-way controlled intersection shall require a sight triangle measuring twenty feet (20') along the curb line of the controlled street and fifty feet (50') along the curb line of the uncontrolled street. If the uncontrolled street has a posted speed limit in excess of thirty five (35) miles per hour, the sight triangle shall measure seventy feet (70') along the curb line of the uncontrolled street.
   D.   The intersection of a drive or alley and a street shall require a sight triangle measuring twenty feet (20') along the drive or alley and fifty feet (50') along the street. If the posted speed limit on the street is in excess of thirty five (35) miles per hour, the sight triangle shall measure seventy feet (70') along the curb line of the street.
   E.   The intersection of a street and a railroad shall require a sight triangle measuring seventy feet (70') along the railroad right of way line and fifty feet (50') along the curb line of the street. (Ord. 2015-32, 10-20-2015)