In addition to the fees established and provided in Section 1420.04 and in the Zoning Code, all applicants for a zoning certificate required by the Zoning Code or a building permit required by Section 2101.01 of the Montgomery County Uniform Building Code, as adopted in Chapter 1420 of this Building and Housing Code, shall be charged and shall pay to the City an additional fee to be known as the Parks Improvement Fee.
   The Parks Improvement Fee shall be based on building area and shall be at the rate of one and one-half cents (1-1/20) per square foot of building area. As used herein, "building area" means the total horizontal area of each building and accessory building, including all stories or floors finished as living accommodations, basements, garages, carports, covered entrance platforms, covered porches, covered terraces, covered walks, elevated patios and covered steps. Measurements of building area shall be taken to the outside of the exterior walls or, as applicable, to the outside of carports, covered entrance platforms, covered porches, covered terraces, covered walks, elevated patios and covered steps.
(Ord. 71-35. Passed 8-10-71.)