(a) General Requirements.
(1) Location. All required loading spaces shall be off-street, shall be located on the same lot as the specific use to be served and may occupy all or any part of any required yard area. No loading space shall be located within a required front or side yard when adjacent to any "R" District. No permitted or required loading space in any "I" District shall be located within fifty feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two streets or highways. No permitted or required loading space shall be closer than fifty feet to any lot in any "R" District, unless wholly enclosed within a building.
(2) Dimension. Each off-street loading space shall be at least ten feet in width by twenty-five feet in length having a vertical clearance of fourteen feet or more, plus adequate area for ingress and egress.
(3) Surfacing. All open loading spaces shall be graded and improved with bituminous concrete or Portland cement concrete.
(4) Drainage. All, loading spaces shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Code Enforcement Officer.
(b) Specific Requirements. In connection with every building or part thereof erected, except dwellings, there shall be provided, on the same lot with such buildings, off-street loading spaces or berths, for uses which customarily receive or distribute material or merchandise by vehicle, in accordance with the following requirements.
Type of Use Required Number of Parking Spaces*
Retail and service establishments 1.0 for the first 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area and 1.0 for every subsequent 20,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Office building 1.0 for the first 2,500 - 75,000 sq. ft. of floor area and 1.0 for every additional 25,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Freight and truck terminal 1.0 for every 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Warehouse and wholesale 1.0 for every 7,500 sq. ft. of floor area
Industrial plant 1.0 for every 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area
*If the commercial or industrial establishment is such that shipping and/or receiving goods is not an integral part of the business, the above requirements may be waived by the Code Enforcement Officer.
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79.)