(a)   Purpose and Intent. The S-FP Flood Plain District is designed to meet the need of storm water channels to carry abnormal flows of water in time of high water and flooding, to prevent encroachments into the District which will unduly increase flood heights and damage, and to prevent the loss of life and excessive damage to property in the area of greatest flood hazard.
   (b)   Principal Permitted Uses. The following are the principal permitted uses in the S-FP Flood Plain District:
      (1)   Agriculture and farms;
      (2)   Forestry; and
      (3)   Wildlife preserves.
   (c)   Conditionally Permitted Uses. The following uses are conditionally permitted, following receipt of the Miami Conservancy District's recommendation and subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the subsequent issuance of a conditional use permit by the Code Enforcement Officer, which procedure is specified in Section 1266.01:
      (1)   Public and private parklands and recreation sites and open space;
      (2)   Open storage of floatable materials. Logs, tree stumps and branches, lumber, lumber products and other floatable material may be placed, displayed or stored in the open of flood plain land, where permitted by the State statutes, provided the area so used is enclosed by an open wire fence properly anchored to restrain such materials from floating downstream during times of high water.
      (3)   Quarries. Quarries are subject to the provisions in Section 1266.01(e).
      (4)   Sand and gavel pits. Sand and gravel pits are su bject to the provisions specified in Section 1266.01(e).
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79.)
      (5)   Personal wireless service facilities.
(Ord. 97-5. Passed 3-11-97.)
   (d)   Prohibited Uses. The following are prohibited uses in the S-FP Flood Plain District:
      (1)   Residential dwellings;
      (2)   Commercial establishments;
      (3)   Industrial establishments;
      (4)   Sanitary landfill; and
      (5)   Dumping or filling.
   (e)   Preservation of Flood Plain. All buildings, other structures and fills of any kind of materials hereafter made, placed or erected on the flood plain shall be set back at least the distance required to preserve and maintain open and unobstructed the flood plain width as determined by the high water level of the regional flood.
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79.)