(a) Purpose. The intent of the C-2 Highway Commercial District is to accommodate both extensive land uses with high traffic generation characteristics and typical "highway-oriented" uses that derive a significant part of their trade by virtue of their location along highway frontage with its relatively high traffic volume.
(b) Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted as a use-by-right in the C-2 Highway Commercial District:
(1) Agricultural implement sales and farm equipment storage and rental;
(2) Air conditioning, heating, plumbing and roofing shops;
(3) Automobile, trailer, recreational vehicle and motorcycle sales;
(4) Indoor commercial recreation establishments and health spas;
(5) Equipment rental and repair establishments;
(6) Pet shops, kennels and animal hospitals;
(7) Motels/hotels (all guest rooms limited to interior door access only);
(8) Indoor theaters;
(9) Warehouses and enclosed storage facilities; and
(10) Convenience food stores.
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the C-2 Highway Commercial District, subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the subsequent issuance of a conditional use permit by the Code Enforcement Officer, which procedure is specified in Sections 1266.01 and 1268.05(f):
(1) Automobile convenience service facilities, service stations and washing establishments;
(2) Automobile, trailer, recreational vehicle and motorcycle sales (new, used and rental);
(3) Automobile tire sales and service;
(4) Automobile upholstery repair;
(5) Commercial greenhouses;
(6) Fraternal lodges and private clubs;
(7) Medical clinics and hospitals;
(8) Municipal or government buildings;
(9) Indoor commercial recreational establishments and teen centers;
(10) Public utility substations or exchanges;
(11) Lounges and restaurants (sit-down, carry-out and drive-in);
(12) Retail establishments providing commodities intended primarily for interstate travelers;
(13) Bus terminal;
(14) Convenience food stores;
(15) Drive-through windows ancillary to principally permitted or conditionally permitted uses;
(16) Body, fender and engine repair establishments for vehicles;
(17) Charitable collection bins;
(18) Beer/wine drive-through stores; and
(19) Personal wireless service facilities.
(d) Minimum Lot Area and Lot Width. There shall be permitted zoning lots not less than 5,000 square feet in land area. No lot width shall be less than 50 feet.
(e) Maximum Building Height. No commercial structure shall exceed 45 feet in height.
(f) Minimum Yards.
(1) Front. There shall be a minimum setback of 50 feet.
(2) Side. None required if a party wall is agreed to by adjoining property owners, otherwise six feet, except that there shall be a minimum width of 50 feet when adjacent to any "A," "R" or "S-PUD" District.
(3) Rear. There shall be a minimum depth of twenty-five feet, except when adjacent to any "A," "R" or "S-PUD" District, in which cases there shall be a minimum depth of 50 feet.
(4) Abutting residential zones. If there is an abutting residential zone, a 25-foot landscaped perimeter area, in accordance with Section 1266.03(d), shall be provided along common lot lines on all nonresidential abutting zoning lots larger than two acres, and on all other nonresidential zoning lots, unless a six-foot masonry wall or opaque wooden fence separates parking areas from residential lot lines and such parking areas are used only for noncommercial vehicles.
(g) Required Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be required in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 1266.05.
(h) Minimum Design Standards. A minimum of 65% of all exterior building elevations facing or visible from a public right-of-way, shall be full-sized standard brick or stone, excluding windows and doors. The remaining 35% of the building shall consist of textured concrete block, masonry product, steel, architectural metal or other similar building material, however, in no case shall plain concrete block, vinyl, wood board or aluminum siding be a suitable building material on any portion of the building. Exterior walls not facing or visible from a public right-of-way must be constructed of a product similar and complementary to materials on other elevations of the building. Additions to existing buildings may continue with similar exterior material to maintain architectural continuity. All exterior building colors shall be of earth tone. Alternate materials will be reviewed and evaluated on the merit of their building design by the Planning Commission at the request of the property owner.
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79; Ord. 80-51. Passed 10-14-80; Ord. 81-05. Passed 2-10-81; Ord. 85-44. Passed 8-13-85; Ord. 89-1. Passed 1-10-89; Ord. 89-22. Passed 5-23-89; Ord. 90-15. Passed 5-8-90; Ord. 91-3. Passed 2-12-91; Ord. 91-4. Passed 3-12-91; Ord. 97-5. Passed 3-11-97; Ord. 04-15. Passed 7-13-04; Ord. 06-17. Passed 12-12-06; Ord. 12-6. Passed 8-28-12; Ord. 17-05. Passed 9-26-17.)