The final plat shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch on sheets twenty-two by thirty-six inches in size and shall meet the following specifications or have the following inclusions:
   (a)   The final plat original drawing shall be drawn on new linen tracing cloth, mylar or similar durable material with waterproof black India ink with the scale of the plat, the north point of the sheet and the number of the sheets clearly depicted on each map sheet. When more than one sheet is involved, the relation of each sheet to the remaining sheets shall be shown diagrammatically.
   (b)   All dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot.
   (c)   A closed boundary indicating an accurate survey shall be indicated by dimensions and bearings.
   (d)   Accurate distances and directions to the nearest primary control point, such as the established intersection of street centerlines or a section corner, shall be shown. Control points shall be accurately described on the final plat.
   (e)   Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract shall be shown.
   (f)   The total area within the final plat shall be indicated to the nearest one thousandth of an acre and if more than one original tract is involved the areas of individual tracts shall be indicated.
   (g)   The name and location of the subdivision, including township, range and section numbers, shall be indicated.
   (h)   Right-of-way lines, widths and names of streets, easements and other rights of way, and property lines of lots and other tracts, with accurate dimensions, bearings and curve data, including radii, arcs and chords, lengths of tangents and central angles, and the appropriate deed book or the County Recorder's microfilm references, shall be indicated.
   (i)   The location, dimensions and purposes of any easement within the subdivision shall be indicated.
   (j)   Consecutive plat lot numbers to identify each lot or site shall be given.
   (k)   The purpose and an accurate outline of sites, other than residential lots, which will be dedicated or reserved for public or nonpublic purposes, shall be given.
   (l)   The location, type and material of all monuments and lot markers shall be indicated.
   (m)   Witnessed and notarized signatures of owners and mortgagees, indicating the required dedication of streets and other public areas, shall be shown.
   (n)   Adjoining recorded subdivision plats, with the name and recorded plat book number and pages, and adjoining unplatted land with the owner's name and deed book and page, shall be indicated.
   (o)   All covenants and restrictions which will run with the land shall be indicated.
   (p)   Certification by a registered surveyor, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him or her and that the monuments shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional details are correct, shall be shown.
   (q)   Certification by the President of the Planning Commission, the Mayor and the Clerk of Council, to the effect that the final plat has been formally approved by the City, shall be shown.
(Ord. 73-09. Passed 3-13-73. )