The following approvals shall accompany a final plat and shall be necessary for its approval
   (a)   Certification by a registered surveyor that the final plat is correct;
   (b)   Approval by a registered engineer on the construction drawings that the drawings have all been prepared in accordance with the City's requirements;
   (c)   Stated dedication of streets, utilities and public areas, in a form approved by the Law Director, recorded on the final plat with the notarized signatures of the property owners and the mortgagees;
   (d)   The Code Enforcement Officer's approval of the approval plat;
   (e)   The City Engineer's approval of the final plat and the construction drawings;
   (f)   The Planning Commission's approval of the final plat;
   (g)   Approval of contracts and performance bonds by Council as providing sufficient assurance against default by the subdivider in executing the requirements of these Regulations; and
   (h)   Council's approval of the final plat.
(Ord. 73-09. Passed 3-13-73. )